
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

7 traits of an effective Krav Maga practitioner

      Over the past 13 years, I have seen many Krav Maga students and instructor. Since this time I have seen various levels of progress. The ones who become the most proficient self-defense practitioners have the following traits:

1. Consistency. Three, two, even one session a week consistently over a long period of time seems to lead to the best results.  Some students come in, "gung ho" to get their next level, train 3 or more times a week then disappear for a time until the next test date. Their progress is relatively slow compared to the student who trains consistently week to week. 

2. Attention to Detail. There are no shortcuts. A flashy gun technique entertains the untrained eye but a well-trained expert will see the flaws that could be fatal in real life. The A practitioner attends to details that can determine the outcome of a self-defense situation.

3. Fundamentals. Students who work on the fundamentals- footwork, body defenses, striking, etc- progress and are able to better protect themselves. Again, no shortcuts. 

4. An Open Mind vs Memorization: Assaults are unpredictable so memorizing techniques limits your capacity to adapt.  The best practitioners learn to adapt to unpredictable/surprises by understanding Krav Maga principles.  
5. Open to Correction/Feedback. Most students want to know how to get better. Others, (happily this is rare), don't welcome criticism and don't progress near as quickly. 

6. Fitness.  You don't have to be an Olympian to train in Krav Maga but having a decent fitness level allows you to train consistently and helps to prevent injury.

7. Stress Training. Stress training reveals, among other things, how well you know how to protect yourself. It highlights your strengths and your weakness giving you an opportunity to further improve.

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